For businesses, be it of any size, data is the most precious asset. Most organizations still bet on a traditional backup solution to thwart threats like ransomware when a proactive data protection solution with built-in next-generation technology is required. NETCorp helps businesses to employ a comprehensive and reliable approach to modern data security issues.

Simplicity with modernization has been the motto of our backup and recovery solution - Acronis!
Understanding is the key to providing fail-proof, proactive and zero-downtime solution. Knowing your needs, present infrastructure and major risks help us in providing a fail-proof backup service that boosts operational efficiency while providing multi-dimensional security.
The modern backup solution by Acronis deploys machine learning to fight threats like ransomware. Thus, proactively detecting, stopping and automatically reversing the threats.
At the core of our backup solution is its ability to recover data after an unstoppable disaster. We ensure quick failover and instant access to backups helping you continue your business effortlessly.

Why NETCorp for a backup solution?

The NETCorp difference
Brilliant Performance
All-encompassing Capability
Disaster Recovery
Expert technical support 24/7/365
Certified Partner of Acronis

Learn more about Acronis